Did Car Crashes Decline during COVID? The answer might surprise you.

Common sense would suggest that during the COVID-19 emergency, fewer people drove and therefor fewer car accidents happened. While that may be true in terms of overall numbers, an Associated Press article from January, 2021 reveals that, surprisingly, traffic fatalities actually INCREASED during the pandemic emergency event (ie: lockdown).

Link to Article

Despite fewer drivers on the roads, accidents and resulting injuries were more serious and traffic related deaths actually increased.

The obvious conclusion - speed kills! Slow down, people! It’s simple physics, but the faster you drive, the more likely you are to be hurt or even killed if you have a crash.

As we return to more normal traffic patterns this year, keep in mind that safe driving really does reduce injuries. Slow down, wear your seatbelts (and helmets, bike and motorcycle riders!) and be careful. And, if you are hurt in a car crash, call an injury lawyer like me. Happy Motoring!


Onewheel injury project update - September 19, 2021